Sunday, March 6, 2011

Learning Log 3

We were grouped in groups of 3 by the 'Number Selector'. We had to do a presentation of the three witches of Act 1 Scene 1. I think that it would be hard presenting because we have to either use a high pitch voice or a low pitch voice. For the lessons on Act 1 Scene 2, i found it hard to understand it even after the lesson had ended. However i finally understood it after reading it a few times. The could not understand the text without reading the modern text, which helped me understand the text better. For the group discussion on comic grid, i had two discussion with two different groups. I think that we should stick to the original group but there were students which did not do their homework, therefore we were assigned to a new group. During the discussion, we exchanged papers to see what each of us wrote at the grid.